March 2025 | Project installed for ProRail

ProRail - FOS - 1

Installation switch health monitoring using Fiber Optic Sensing for ProRail

In October last year we proudly announced the collaboration with ProRail, in which we will help ProRail to discover the further potential of our sensing technology applied at railway switches.

In December we have installed multiple sensors on a railway switch in The Netherlands. Meeting ProRail’s strict safety regulations the switch monitoring system was installed at night.

The system will run for a period of at least 6 months, in which we will evaluate both the installation as well as the data, on the dynamic behaviour of railway switches under the load of passing trains. Not only the switch health monitoring system itself is evaluated, but the tools used for the installation too.

Stay tuned for more information and the progress we make in fiber optic sensing on a global level.

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If you are looking for more information about this cooperation and the solutions we provide for railway, check this page on railway track & switch monitoring.