Fiber Based Sensors & Asset Integration

The protection and integration of optical fibers into an asset is a crucial step in creating durable, robust FOS solutions. PhotonFirst has extensive experience integrating fibers into various demanding assets across industries, including aerospace, medical, maritime and process industry applications. We have dedicated fiber experts who can assist our customers in both implementing integrations and providing training to familiarize them with the technology.

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Portfolio of fiber based sensors

  • PhotonFirst Fiber Based Temperature Sensor

    PhotonFirst Fiber Based Temperature Sensor

  • PhotonFirst Fiber Based Strain Sensor
    PhotonFirst Fiber Based Strain Sensor
  • PhotonFirst Fiber Based Humidity Sensor
    PhotonFirst Fiber Based Humidity Sensor
  • PhotonFirst Fiber Based Impact Sensor
    PhotonFirst Fiber Based Impact Sensor

Examples of fiber integrations into assets


PhotonFirst team

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